太平洋基督教事工学院 & 圣经研究


Welcome to 太平洋基督教事工学院 and 圣经研究 here at 希望国际大学.
在HIU,我们的目标是赋予人们改变世界的能力. We do this aligned with the mission of God, in the name of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. 一个关键的组成部分是我们对黄金城App和他们的梦想的深爱. We want to come alongside of you on your journey and help you stay close to Jesus as you discover new facets of life with him. We want to feed your soul during your time at 希望国际大学.
我们相信所有信徒都是祭司, which means we believe everyone is a minister no matter their occupation.  太平洋基督教事工学院 and 圣经研究 exists to equip students for a life of exceptional servant leadership in professional and parachurch ministries.
Our overriding philosophy as a College of HIU is the synthesis of education and experience.  We stress analytical thinking about life, ministry, theology, and the biblical text. 如果你接受我们的愿景, your mind will be challenged and stretched as you lean into this type of curriculum.  An extensive practicum is integrated into your chosen area of ministry service.  通过直接的实践经验,你会得到指导.  The classroom and the real world will come together in a way that truly prepares and empowers you to impact the world for Christ.
我希望我们能一起踏上旅程.  My dream is that you find your place in the mission God has for you in this world.


Dr. 卡尔·托尼



The 圣经研究 major grounds students in the knowledge and interpretation of the Old and New Testaments and prepares them for a wide variety of career opportunities, 包括在当地教会讲道和教导.



崇拜艺术 HIU provides students with the opportunity to impact the world as future worship leaders as they learn in the classroom and in real ministry settings. 黄金城App将向有成就的艺术家和实践者学习.


孩子们 & 家庭部门

在希望, 孩子们 and 家庭部门 students learn how to create 项目 that nurture and challenge children to spiritual growth and how to serve under or alongside church pastoral staff.



在希望, the 教会 major prepares students with skills that will serve as a foundation for pastoral ministry.



在希望, the Intercultural Studies major prepares students to relate to people of diverse cultures, 领他们归向基督, 引导他们过上相关的生活.


青年 & 家庭部门

在希望, the 青年 and 家庭部门 major teaches students to effectively minister to youth and families in today's rapidly changing culture.



The Intercultural Studies major prepares students to relate to people of diverse cultures, 领他们归向基督, 引导他们过上相关的生活.



HIU's 部会荣誉计划 will challenge students as they become fully equipped to impact the world for Christ.



This minor is designed to allow the student to benefit from 圣经研究 courses while pursuing another major.



“我非常相信实习过程. 部会不再是理论。”



We believe that one to two years of residency is critical for a ministry student to be prepared upon graduation. The more experience you have when you graduate, the more prepared you’ll be to lead. Therefore we have incorporated a one to two year residency requirement into all of our Ministry, 圣经, 崇拜艺术, 和跨文化研究学位.  住院期间, students will earn credit for ministry experience at a church close to the 富勒顿 campus or even out of state.


住院医生实习期 experiences vary greatly depending on several factors such as: mission of the church, 你所在的部门, 你的事工教练是谁, 以及你需要工作的小时数. 话虽如此, you’ll be embedded on a church staff where you will share the responsibility of the work load in that department, 参加员工会议, 领导人们. You’ll be receiving credit (and therefore a grade) for your time in residency, 所以有周刊, 教会指定的阅读要求, 还有期末评估. 别忘了, 你还是个全日制黄金城App, 所以有课程要完成,有课程要参加.


We have developed partnerships with dozens of churches both locally and around the country. These churches know how to develop a ministry leader, and have agreed to meet several criteria. 然后,他们必须在接受居民之前申请并被接受. If you know of a church who would like to apply, they may do so using the steps below.


Partner churches often visit campus to meet students and recruit for their program.  After that, they may ask you to fill out an application, do a phone interview, or visit their church. 它的功能就像你申请工作一样. And you’ll always have the advisement of our staff and faculty to help you make the right choice.


Intercultural Studies majors have the option of completing their residency credits overseas over a period of 7-12 months. Other majors may also be eligible for a residency outside the United States, 在与学术顾问协商后选择. HIU provides training to assist students in raising support for these life-changing experiences.

"The reality is there are way more great positions available in church leadership than there are equipped leaders to fill them. 他们将从哪里来? We need different paths for preparation and I believe this is one of those paths."

- Tim Foot, Slingshot Group / Lifebridge Christian Church



  1. 从阅读全文开始 六个标准,然后决定是否要继续.
  2. 下载这个 实习合同 了解对每个参与者的期望
  3. Share these documents with your team/elders/senior leader and talk about what it would look like to take on a resident.
  4. 请填写以下表格正式申请.
  5. 一旦我们收到你的申请, we'll get in touch with you to talk further about your residency plans. 我们期待着与您交谈.