




Founded in 1928, 希望国际大学 is celebrating its 第115届毕业典礼. Our December 2024 graduates embody the University's mission of preparing servant leaders who want to make a positive difference in the world. 这些个体加起来超过14只,000 校友 who carry 希望国际大学's legacy of service and ministry to the Church and society. Their achievement has been facilitated by a faculty qualified by both academic credentials and Christian commitment and service.

这次毕业典礼标志着HIU在富勒顿的第52个学年. 在这里, 就像之前在长滩和洛杉矶一样, the University has maintained a diligent commitment to advance the mission of Christ.


  • 12月14日星期六上午9点为客人开门th.
  • 不需要门票,但座位有限. 仪式通常持续90分钟左右.
  • Overflow seating with live video viewing access will be provided as needed.
  • 我们想让你庆祝你的毕业, but we don't want your celebration to obscure or distract 从 the recognition of other graduates. 因此, 请不要按喇叭, 其他噪音制造者, and throwing confetti or other objects in celebration during 毕业典礼 in the Darling Pavilion.
  • To watch the 毕业典礼 ceremony online via livestreaming, visit the HIU YouTube频道 or Facebook页面 在活动当天. The stream will go live approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.
  • Strollers are not allowed in the commencement venue due to space restrictions and fire regulations. A designated parking area for strollers will be available outside the venue. 如果可能的话,我们建议把婴儿车放在家里或车里.
  • 我们欢迎使用轮椅和/或助行器的客人. 典礼现场设有无障碍座位. 请联络李丽贝卡((电子邮件保护))预订座位.
  • 作为对毕业生和嘉宾的一种服务, flowers (including orchid leis and bouquets) will be available for purchase 从 our on-site vendor, 毕业典礼上的花. One flower kiosk will be located near the entrance to the student center and another kiosk will be off of the main parking lot. 可以提前订购和付款 在他们的网站.


We do not anticipate having to require masks or having to put in place other restrictions for the December 毕业典礼. 然而, 到目前为止,每个人都将认识到新冠环境可能会发生变化, 大学会跟着任何当地的, 状态, 或者当时可能实施的联邦法规. Any change of this kind will be communicated to participants in the most timely way. 在任何情况下, 这所大学将采取限制最少的做法, 符合所有参与者和出席者的健康和安全.


客人停车场可在HIU联邦地段, CSUF地段"S", 还有泰坦大道上的神学院停车场. HIU泰坦停车场是为残疾人保留的. 班车是有限的.


毕业生需要在早上8:30到达.m. 在星期六上午. Signs will be posted in the Student Center directing you to the ready room. 婚礼的着装标准是职业装. The stage requires the use of steps so please choose your footwear accordingly. 不准穿人字拖. If you anticipate the need for assistance or physical accommodations, please contact Kim Johnson at (电子邮件保护) 在仪式开始之前.

Please do not bring handbags or any other valuable personal items into the ready room. 在仪式期间,你不允许携带任何东西, 一旦你们离开,这个房间将被用作座无虚席. 因此, please do not bring anything with you except your cap and gown. HIU不负责任何丢失或被盗的物品.

在登记柜台,你会拿你的名片. 请随身携带这张卡片. During the ceremony, you will hand this card to the announcer, who will then read your name.

颁奖典礼期间将拍摄两张个人照片. Graduates will receive proofs of these photographs via email a week after graduation for review and ordering, 如果需要, 从 毕业照片.


Students must fulfill the chapel attendance requirement to participate in commencement ceremonies. 请联系校园事工主任, (714) 879-3901 x 1294, to ensure you have made arrangements to make up any excused absences.


Caps and gowns are available for purchase beginning mid-November at the 希望国际大学 书店; the cost is approximately $52.00. It will be necessary to press the gown with a cool iron prior to the ceremony. 黄金城App可于 college.jostens.com.

研究生的硕士帽, 正如之前学术教练宣布和沟通的那样, 必须在10月15日前订购吗.

只有大学赞助的荣誉才适合装饰你的礼服. 不允许有其他装饰. 请与书店联系 (714) 879-3901 ext. 1233或电邮至 (电子邮件保护). 你还有什么问题吗.


HIU重视黄金城App的学术成就. In order to ensure recognition of these academic honors, please note the following deadlines. Online undergraduate students receiving honors at Fall commencement must have their degree posted by the Office of the Registrar no later than November 30th. Official grade information for traditional undergraduate students must be received by the Office of the Registrar by December 9th. 请咨询您的学术教练或顾问的帮助.


If you are enrolled at another 大学 and taking classes required for your degree, you must submit a letter 从 your professor(s) on 大学 stationery stating your current grade in the course(s). This report must be turned in to the Registrar's Office by December 9th. You must also request an "official" transcript 从 the other institution (including CSUF). Your degree will not be posted until we have an official transcript 从 the other institution's registrar showing the final posting of all your grades and academic credits that are to be transferred.


An approved "Petition to Graduate" and payment of any remaining balance owed by you to HIU is required to participate in the commencement ceremonies. 所有的财务义务必须在11月15日前支付.

All students who have received Federal Direct Loans will receive an email related to their loan information, including a loan summary while attending HIU and resources pertaining to repayment questions, 从 the Office of 金融援助 approximately 2-3 weeks prior to commencement. 欲了解更多信息,请联系财政援助办公室 (714) 879-3901 x2202.


作为希望国际大学的校友, you continue to have access to the resources offered to you through 职业发展. 无论你在找工作的过程中处于什么阶段, we are here to assist you and ensure your success in finding a successful career path. 如果你正在找工作,一定要看看 职业发展在线求职门户 for hundreds of various job opportunities, locally, nationally, and even internationally. 如果这是您第一次登录系统, make sure to click the "Click 在这里 to Register" link directly under the Login button. 职业发展 can help you format and create your resume and cover letter, 提供申请协助, 并通过模拟面试帮助你为即将到来的面试做准备. 联系职业发展,今天在任何一个地方预约 (电子邮件保护) 或在 (714) 879-3901 ext. 1696.